We'll walk around
Pretending we're all grown up
Hey, rich girl!
Well, can you tell me why
You're so stuck up?
When you act like you're so down
Does paranoia come around
And seize your mind now
Roll your eyes!
There's investigation to be done
Like who's been wearing what with who
So what's been going on?
You got to know!
You got to know!
I'll tell you everything i know,
Any little thing i know. (x2)
You've got a lovely way with words,
Must be the way you see the world,
It's just the way you see the world
We'll walk around
Prentending we're all grown up
Hey, rich girl!
Well can you tell me why
You're so stuck up?
When you act like you're so down
Does paranoia come around?
Now read your mind
And take your eyes
Investigation to be done
Like who's been wearing what with who
Hey, what's been going on around here,
Gotta tell me
You got to know!
I'd like to know!
I'll tell you everything i know,
Any little thing i know. (x2)
You've got a lovely way with words
Must be the way you see the world
It's just the way you see the world
Oh what a lovely way with words
Is that the way you see the world?
It's just the way you see the world
I went down to your house last weekend
You said, "come on man,
You don't have to point out everything that's bad.
So there's a broken mirror on my bed,
I'll clean it up, so what?
You don't have to be such an asshole all the time."
Oh, don't be like that
Mau?! Click NightGuardianZ
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- fatHrics23
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Kamis, 30 April 2009
The Virgins - Rich Girls
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