IF all the world and love were young,
And truth in every shepherd's tongue,
These pretty pleasures might me move
To live with thee and be thy Love.
But Time drives flocks from field to fold;
When rivers rage and rocks grow cold;
And Philomel becometh dumb;
The rest complains of cares to come.
The flowers do fade, and wanton fields
To wayward Winter reckoning yields:
A honey tongue, a heart of gall,
Is fancy's spring, but sorrow's fall.
Thy gowns, thy shoes, thy beds of roses,
Thy cap, thy kirtle, and thy posies,
Soon break, soon wither--soon forgotten,
In folly ripe, in reason rotten.
Thy belt of straw and ivy-buds,
Thy coral clasps and amber studs,--
All these in me no means can move
To come to thee and be thy Love.
But could youth last, and love still breed,
Had joys no date, nor age no need,
Then these delights my mind might move
To live with thee and be thy Love.
Sir Walter Raleigh
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Sabtu, 30 Mei 2009
Her Reply
A Strange Wild Song
He thought he saw an Elephant
That practised on a fife:
He looked again, and found it was
A letter from his wife.
"At length I realize," he said,
"The bitterness of life!"
He thought he saw a Buffalo
Upon the chimney-piece:
He looked again, and found it was
His Sister's Husband's Niece.
"Unless you leave this house," he said,
"I'll send for the police!"
he thought he saw a Rattlesnake
That questioned him in Greek:
He looked again, and found it was
The Middle of Next Week.
"The one thing I regret," he said,
"Is that it cannot speak!"
He thought he saw a Banker's Clerk
Descending from the bus:
He looked again, and found it was
A Hippopotamus.
"If this should stay to dine," he said,
"There won't be much for us!"
He thought he saw a Kangaroo
That worked a Coffee-mill:
He looked again, and found it was
A Vegetable-Pill.
"Were I to swallow this," he said,
"I should be very ill!"
He thought he saw a Coach-and-Four
That stood beside his bed:
He looked again, and found it was
A Bear without a Head.
"Poor thing," he said, "poor silly thing!
It's waiting to be fed!"
Lewis Carroll
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from PoemHunter.com
Rabu, 27 Mei 2009
Day's End
Oxen and sheep were brought back down
Long ago, and bramble gates closed. Over
Mountains and rivers, far from my old garden,
A windswept moon rises into clear night.
Springs trickle down dark cliffs, and autumn
Dew fills ridgeline grasses. My hair seems
Whiter in lamplight. The flame flickers
Good fortune over and over -- and for what?
Tu Fu
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from PoemHunter.com
A Cradle Song
Sweet dreams form a shade,
O'er my lovely infants head.
Sweet dreams of pleasant streams,
By happy silent moony beams
Sweet sleep with soft down.
Weave thy brows an infant crown.
Sweet sleep Angel mild,
Hover o'er my happy child.
Sweet smiles in the night,
Hover over my delight.
Sweet smiles Mothers smiles,
All the livelong night beguiles.
Sweet moans, dovelike sighs,
Chase not slumber from thy eyes,
Sweet moans, sweeter smiles,
All the dovelike moans beguiles.
Sleep sleep happy child,
All creation slept and smil'd.
Sleep sleep, happy sleep.
While o'er thee thy mother weep
Sweet babe in thy face,
Holy image I can trace.
Sweet babe once like thee.
Thy maker lay and wept for me
Wept for me for thee for all,
When he was an infant small.
Thou his image ever see.
Heavenly face that smiles on thee,
Smiles on thee on me on all,
Who became an infant small,
Infant smiles are His own smiles,
Heaven & earth to peace beguiles.
William Blake
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from PoemHunter.com
See what delights in sylvan scenes appear!
Descending Gods have found Elysium here.
In woods bright Venus with Adonis stray'd,
And chaste Diana haunts the forest shade.
Come lovely nymph, and bless the silent hours,
When swains from shearing seek their nightly bow'rs;
When weary reapers quit the sultry field,
And crown'd with corn, their thanks to Ceres yield.
This harmless grove no lurking viper hides,
But in my breast the serpent Love abides.
Here bees from blossoms sip the rosy dew,
But your Alexis knows no sweets but you.
Oh deign to visit our forsaken seats,
The mossy fountains, and the green retreats!
Where-e'er you walk, cool gales shall fan the glade,
Trees, where you sit, shall crowd into a shade,
Where-e'er you tread, the blushing flow'rs shall rise,
And all things flourish where you turn your eyes.
Oh! How I long with you to pass my days,
Invoke the muses, and resound your praise;
Your praise the birds shall chant in ev'ry grove,
And winds shall waft it to the pow'rs above.
But wou'd you sing, and rival Orpheus' strain,
The wond'ring forests soon shou'd dance again,
The moving mountains hear the pow'rful call,
And headlong streams hang list'ning in their fall!
But see, the shepherds shun the noon-day heat,
The lowing herds to murm'ring brooks retreat,
To closer shades the panting flocks remove,
Ye Gods! And is there no relief for Love?
But soon the sun with milder rays descends
To the cool ocean, where his journey ends;
On me Love's fiercer flames for every prey,
By night he scorches, as he burns by day.
Alexander Pope
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The Boys
HAS there any old fellow got mixed with the boys?
If there has, take him out, without making a noise.
Hang the Almanac's cheat and the Catalogue's spite!
Old Time is a liar! We're twenty to-night!
We're twenty! We're twenty! Who says we are more?
He's tipsy,-- young jackanapes!-- show him the door!
"Gray temples at twenty?"-- Yes ! white if we please;
Where the snow-flakes fall thickest there's nothing can freeze!
Was it snowing I spoke of? Excuse the mistake!
Look close,-- you will see not a sign of a flake!
We want some new garlands for those we have shed,--
And these are white roses in place of the red.
We've a trick, we young fellows, you may have been told,
Of talking (in public) as if we were old:--
That boy we call "Doctor," and this we call "Judge;"
It's a neat little fiction,-- of course it's all fudge.
That fellow's the "Speaker,"-- the one on the right;
"Mr. Mayor," my young one, how are you to-night?
That's our "Member of Congress," we say when we chaff;
There's the "Reverend" What's his name?-- don't make me laugh.
That boy with the grave mathematical look
Made believe he had written a wonderful book,
And the ROYAL SOCIETY thought it was true!
So they chose him right in; a good joke it was, too!
There's a boy, we pretend, with a three-decker brain,
That could harness a team with a logical chain;
When he spoke for our manhood in syllabled fire,
We called him "The Justice," but now he's "The Squire."
And there's a nice youngster of excellent pith,--
Fate tried to conceal him by naming him Smith;
But he shouted a song for the brave and the free,
Just read on his medal, "My country," "of thee!"
You hear that boy laughing?-- You think he's all fun;
But the angels laugh, too, at the good he has done;
The children laugh loud as they troop to his call,
And the poor man that knows him laughs loudest of all!
Yes, we're boys, --always playing with tongue or with pen,--
And I sometimes have asked,-- Shall we ever be men?
Shall we always be youthful, and laughing, and gay,
Till the last dear companion drops smiling away?
Then here's to our boyhood, its gold and its gray!
The stars of its winter, the dews of its May!
And when we have done with our life-lasting toys,
Dear Father, take care of thy children, THE BOYS!
Oliver Wendell Holmes
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What's friendship? The hangover's faction,
The gratis talk of outrage,
Exchange by vanity, inaction,
Or bitter shame of patronage.
Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin
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LIFE, believe, is not a dream
So dark as sages say;
Oft a little morning rain
Foretells a pleasant day.
Sometimes there are clouds of gloom,
But these are transient all;
If the shower will make the roses bloom,
O why lament its fall ?
Rapidly, merrily,
Life's sunny hours flit by,
Gratefully, cheerily,
Enjoy them as they fly !
What though Death at times steps in
And calls our Best away ?
What though sorrow seems to win,
O'er hope, a heavy sway ?
Yet hope again elastic springs,
Unconquered, though she fell;
Still buoyant are her golden wings,
Still strong to bear us well.
Manfully, fearlessly,
The day of trial bear,
For gloriously, victoriously,
Can courage quell despair !
Charlotte Bronte
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Rabu, 20 Mei 2009
Who Slammed Doors For Fun And Perished Miserably
A trick that everyone abhors
In little girls is slamming doors.
A wealthy banker's little daughter
Who lived in Palace Green, Bayswater
(By name Rebecca Offendort),
Was given to this furious sport.
She would deliberately go
And slam the door like billy-o!
To make her uncle Jacob start.
She was not really bad at heart,
But only rather rude and wild;
She was an aggravating child...
It happened that a marble bust
Of Abraham was standing just
Above the door this little lamb
Had carefully prepared to slam,
And down it came! It knocked her flat!
It laid her out! She looked like that.
Her funeral sermon (which was long
And followed by a sacred song)
Mentioned her virtues, it is true,
But dwelt upon her vices too,
And showed the deadful end of one
Who goes and slams the door for fun.
The children who were brought to hear
The awful tale from far and near
Were much impressed, and inly swore
They never more would slam the door,
-- As often they had done before.
Hilaire Belloc
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Is It Possible
Is it possible
That so high debate,
So sharp, so sore, and of such rate,
Should end so soon and was begun so late?
Is it possible?
Is it possible
So cruel intent,
So hasty heat and so soon spent,
From love to hate, and thence for to relent?
Is it possible?
Is it possible
That any may find
Within one heart so diverse mind,
To change or turn as weather and wind?
Is it possible?
Is it possible
To spy it in an eye
That turns as oft as chance on die,
The truth whereof can any try?
Is it possible?
It is possible
For to turn so oft,
To bring that lowest which was most aloft,
And to fall highest yet to light soft:
It is possible.
All is possible
Whoso list believe.
Trust therefore first, and after preve,
As men wed ladies by licence and leave.
All is possible.
Sir Thomas Wyatt
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from PoemHunter.com
Selasa, 19 Mei 2009
Masih tetap sama.,dan haruskah.,???
Keadaan hidupQ dari detik ke detik.,dari menit ke menit.,dari jam ke jam.,dari hari ke hari potter.,masihlah sama.,belum menampakkan perbedaan yang signifikan.,Selalu sama dan terus mengalir seperti sampah yang terbawa arus.,Makanya jangan buang sampah sembarangan.,tahu ga?!!!Buang sampah sembarangan bisa mengakibatkan banjir dan busung lapar(Maksud Loe.,?!??).,
kembali lagi ke pokok permasalahan.,
Ehem.,Apakah ini sebuah kutukan?!Ataukah memang jalan hidupQ?!terasa aneh dan janggal kelihatannya?!hidup yang hanya mengalir ikut2an tanpa mempunyai inisiatif untuk maju.,
Juga termasuk pertanyaan yang menggangguQ minggu ini?!
"Sebenarnya Apa Tema BlogQ?!"Pertanyaan simple yang semakin memekakkan telingaQ.,
Humfh.,Masih bingung Sendiri.,Tapi Semakin sadar dan pulih dari keadaan yang tidak menguntungkan.,Ngapainjuga bingung2.,mendingan buat blog baru lagi ajah.,
Thats good idea?!Oww.,I Think I very Very Clever.,hah(maksudmu rajin).,
Pinternya jarang.,Lemotnya yang sering.,
Ya sudah cukup sekian pemberitahuan dari saya.,
Dan untuk penutup marilah kita baca do'a sebelum tidur.,
Huaem Ngantuk.,
Wakz.,Udah jam 1.43 nieh.,Tidur ah?!
Rondel of Merciless Beauty
Your two great eyes will slay me suddenly;
Their beauty shakes me who was once serene;
Straight through my heart the wound is quick and keen.
Only your word will heal the injury
To my hurt heart, while yet the wound is clean -
Your two great eyes will slay me suddenly;
Their beauty shakes me who was once serene.
Upon my word, I tell you faithfully
Through life and after death you are my queen;
For with my death the whole truth shall be seen.
Your two great eyes will slay me suddenly;
Their beauty shakes me who was once serene;
Straight through my heart the wound is quick and keen.
Geoffrey Chaucer
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from PoemHunter.com
Senin, 18 Mei 2009
Pussssieng Berat.,???!!!HeLp.,
Pertanyaan yang ga pernah terjawab sering kali mendatangkan sebuah bencana bagi otak kita.,yang biasanya disebut bingung.,semakin banyak kebingungan yang kita alami.,semakin sering pula otak kita panas.,dan muncullah sebuah kiasan dari ketidaknyamanan otak yang sering kita sebut dengan nama penyakit pusing.,
Kisah pusingQ kali ini berawal dari sebuah pertanyaan yang terus-menerus mendera otakQ.,padahal hanya sebuah pertanyaan simple dan terdiri dari beberapa rangkaian kata.,dan rangkaian kata itu berbunyi.,"Sebenarnya Apa Tema BlogQ?!".,Cukup simple dan singkat khan?!Pertanyaan ini memanglah kelihatan simple dan pendek.,tapi buat Q yang mempunyai otak dengan kapasitas minim.,Ehem.,jangan sampai bilang Q lemot.,klo g mau Q peluk dan cium.,hancrit.,Najis.,
Kembali lagi ke pokok masalah yang sekarang mendera OtakQ.,
Pertanyaannya sech kelihatan mudah.,tapi coba lihat ajah isi blogQ.,semuanya ga ada yang nyambung., campur aduk.,g jelas Temanya.,klo seumpama OtakQ ciptaaan manusia maka sudah pasti meledak dan bercerai berai isi otakQ karena pertanyaan simple tersebut.,
Q sangat bersyukur banget atas rahmat yang telah dilimpahkan oleh ALLAH SWT kepada Q berupa Jiwa dan Raga yang Sempurna.,Atas karunia berupa nafas yang tak pernah ada jedanya.,(kecuali lagi sakit pilek lain masalahnya).,
Oya mengenai jawaban dari pertanyaan simple "Sebenarnya Apa Tema BlogQ?!"., Q mengundang kalian-kalian yang selama ini Q anggap sebagai teman.,sahabat.,keluarga.,untuk membantu Q menyelesaikan masalah atau jawaban dari pertanyaan "Sebenarnya Apa Tema BlogQ?!" ini.,
Bagi siapa saja yang membantu.,akan saya beri "Gift" yang takkan ada bandingannya didunia ini.,dan Q menyebutnya "The Special Gift".,
Please help me.,I very Confused.,I very tortured.,I almost die couse that.,
Minggu, 17 Mei 2009
Tips dan Trik Terlepas Dari Jeratan Rokok
Sangat sulit memang menjauhkan diri dari tembakau, terutama jika kamu memang penggemar berat, yang sehari mampu menghabiskan minimal kamu bungkus.
Wajar saja, penelitian terbaru di Amerika Serikat menyatakan, orang yang mencoba berhenti merokok menderita depresi, gelisah, sulit konsentrasi dan berat badan turun drastis.
Lebih lanjut diketahui, setelah berat badan turun 5 hingga 10 pon (selama pengurangan kadar nikotin dalam tubuh), mereka mulai merokok kembali.
Memang menyebalkan, ketika niat sudah membulat, tetapi tubuh menolak. Meski demikian, kebanyakan orang perlu empat hingga enam kali mencoba sebelum sukses berhenti total. Simak tips berikut ini :
* Cobalah menetapkan tanggal atau waktu untuk berhenti. Pilih harinya, dan katakan bahwa kamu akan melaksanakan misalnya 30 hingga 60 hari ke depan. Konsisten dan disiplin tinggi sangat diperlukan.
* Juga jangan anggap remeh opsi medis, seperti memakai koyo nikotin (karet yang dapat menghisap nikotin) yang dapat membuat kamu berpeluang dua kali lipat untuk berhenti. Atau, coba obat pengobatan depresi, seperti bupropion (Wellbutrin, Zyban) atau varenicline (Chantix).
* Menggunakan jasa konseling pun dapat membantu. Terapi tembakau dapat membantu kamu mengatur rencana yang efektif untuk berhenti merokok.
* Jika saja kamu enggan untuk pergi ke psikiater, carilah dukungan dari manapun, tak mesti teman terdekat, karena seringkali teman terdekat juga perokok, dan malah menjadikan tekad kamu bertambah sulit.
Misalnya cari seseorang yang mau mendukung kamu, entah itu teman, keluarga atau kelompok jejaring sosial di dunia maya yang menurut kamu sesuai kebutuhan.
* Untuk memantapkannya, cobalah cari aktifitas diluar rutinitas, sehingga mengalihkan konsentrasi kamu untuk merokok.
Sumber : www.rileks.com
Confined Love
Some man unworthy to be possessor
Of old or new love, himself being false or weak,
Thought his pain and shame would be lesser
If on womankind he might his anger wreak,
And thence a law did grow,
One might but one man know;
But are other creatures so?
Are Sun, Moon, or Stars by law forbidden
To smile where they list, or lend away their light?
Are birds divorced, or are they chidden
If they leave their mate, or lie abroad a-night?
Beasts do no jointures lose
Though they new lovers choose,
But we are made worse than those.
Who e'er rigged fair ship to lie in harbours
And not to seek new lands, or not to deal withal?
Or built fair houses, set trees, and arbors,
Only to lock up, or else to let them fall?
Good is not good unless
A thousand it possess,
But dost waste with greediness.
John Donne
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from PoemHunter.com
If you had the choice of two women to wed,
(Though of course the idea is quite absurd)
And the first from her heels to her dainty head
Was charming in every sense of the word:
And yet in the past (I grieve to state),
She never had been exactly "straight".
And the second -- she was beyond all cavil,
A model of virtue, I must confess;
And yet, alas! she was dull as the devil,
And rather a dowd in the way of dress;
Though what she was lacking in wit and beauty,
She more than made up for in "sense of duty".
Now, suppose you must wed, and make no blunder,
And either would love you, and let you win her --
Which of the two would you choose, I wonder,
The stolid saint or the sparkling sinner?
Robert W. Service
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Sabtu, 16 Mei 2009
Download Mp3: Kuburan Band Full Album
Artist : Kuburan
Album : Booming! / Bee Are The Kill Young Pen Think Gun Thank
Release : April 2009
Label :
Kuburan! nama unik dan aneh! para penggemar \”Kuburan\” silahkan menuju eh nikmati sensasi rasa kuburan dari albumnya yang berjudul Booming! / Bee Are The Kill Young Pen Think Gun Thank.
Download Mp3: Kuburan Band Full Album
Download Mp3: Gita Gutawa Full Album
Artist : Gita Gutawa
Album : Harmoni Cinta
Release : Mei 2009
Label :
Setelah sukses dengan album pertamanya, Gita kini kembali dengan album kedua bertajuk Harmoni Cinta. Lewat album ini, Gita membuktikan bahwa dirinya tidak sekedar aji mumpung seperti yang dikira kebanyakan orang. Gita menunjukan perfomanya lewat jejeran lagu yang dikemas dengan sangat matang dan composing yang seru!
Album kedua yang bertitle Harmoni Cinta ini Gita Gutawa menggarap dengan sangat serius, dengan melibatkan musisi-musisi berpengalaman seperti Yovie Widianto, Melly Goeslaw, Dewiq, serta Maia Estianty.. Dalam penggarapan album inipun Gita harus berkeliling dunia, rekaman di Indonesia, namun pengisian orkestranya di Praha dan Bulgaria. Penyelesaian akhir di Australia dan Amerika Serikat.
Download Mp3: Gita Gutawa Full Album
Download Mp3: Sabila Band Full Album
Artist : Sabila
Album : Khusus Wanita
Release : April 2009
Label :
Setelah cukup berhasl dengan album pertamanya yang bertitle Langit Ke-7, kini band yang bernama Sabila meluncurkan album barunya yang diberi tajuk Khusus Wanita (para pria ga boleh kali ya????).
Download Mp3: Sabila Band Full Album
Download Mp3: J-Rocks Band Full Album
Setelah beberapa lama single hitsnya yang berjudul Fallin In Love beredar dan berhasil bertahta di tangga-tangga lagu Radio di Nusantara, akhirnya J-Rocks merelease album barunya. Album baru yang berformat Mini Album ini berisi 5 lagu ini yang semuanya merupakan lagu-lagu yang direkam J-Rocks di studio Abbey Road di Inggris. Seperti kita ketahui Abbey Road Studio merupakan studio rekaman yang sangat terkenal dan legendaris karena groub bandThe Beatles merekam hampir semua lagu-lagunya di sini, bahkan nama Abbey Road diabadikan The Beatles dalam salah satu album mereka.
Kesempatan J-Rocks untuk merekam lagunya di Abbey Road adalah hadiah setelah J-Rocks memenangkan penilaian untuk “The Best Band who can Free Their Voice” dalam A Mild Live Soundrenalin 2008.
Download J-Rocks - Road To Abbey [ Download Full Album ]
Download Mp3: Five Minutes Band Full Album
Artist : Five Minutes
Album : Rockmantic
Label :
Released Date : Oktober 2007
Sebuah album lama dari Five Minutes yang direlease pada bulan Oktober 2007. Album ini cukup sukses dan lagu-lagunya populer di akhir tahun 2007 dan tahun 2008, salah satu lagu yang cukup populer adalah Bertahan. Bagi para penggemar Five Minutes yang mungkin belum memiliki koleksi lagu-lagu dari album Rockmantic ini silahkan download dari link yang tersedia.
Download Five Minutes - Rockmantic [ Download Full Album ]
Download Mp3: Domino Band Indie baru yang menggebrak.,
DOMINO adalah sebuah band baru yang diproduseri oleh JAVA MUSIKINDO Productions yang digawangi oleh Adrie Subono. Kata DOMINO yang kami ambil mempunyai filosofinya dari akar kata DOMINUS artinya Yang Maha Tinggi, secara kita merasa bahwa pertemuan kita semua tidak bisa terjadi kalo’ bukan karna campur tangan Yang Maha. DOMINO beranggotakan oleh Ifan (vokal), Ade (gitar), Izal (gitar), Lucky (bass), Jeje (drum). Keempat personil kami kecuali Ifan dulunya mantan jebolan Dreamband 2004, yang mana Ade dengan band nya Olif, Jeje, Izal ma Lucky dulunya gabung di band Ize, blakangan Lucky sebelum gabung DOMINO juga bantuin Peterpan di 2 album terakhirnya. Sedangkan Ifan bergabung paling akhir.
Download Bokep : Memek Amoy Cantik lagi Basah
Download Bokep : Memek Amoy Cantik lagi Basah
Download Bokep : Seni bercinta yang aneh.,
Download Bokep : Seni bercinta yang aneh.,
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- Comfort
- Tertawa dan Teknik Senam Muka
- Tips Mengecilkan Perut
- April Love
- Alone, Looking for Blossoms Along the River
- Seks Non Koitus dan Penyakit Menular Seksual
- Sering Berkeringat Berlebihan (Hiperhidrosis) di T...
- Manfaat Sayuran Organik
- Sering Bepergian di Malam Hari Menyebabkan Paru-pa...
- Cara Mengecilkan Perut Gemuk
- Efek Kurang Tidur Pada Kecerdasan Emosi Remaja
- A Vision
- We Wear the Mask
- A Thing of Beauty (Endymion)
- MataQ sampai sembab dibuatnya.,
- A Child's Amaze
- Sang Rembulanku.,
- "The Dreams of My Heart"
- A Lover's Complaint
- "Why do I love" You, Sir?
- A Dream Within A Dream
- The Tiger